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I am not an expert. Pushback is warranted and welcome, especially absent ad hominem. My question concerning citing RFK was a sincere one. And I responded...
Again, ad hominem? lol ... Your arguments are based on mistaken beliefs (fallacies), which bluntly means they are wrong....
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Ad hominem again? A rhetorical trick?
My sentiment that health care is a basic human right is sincere and honest. The challenge is,...
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Ad hominem (fallacy). Oh boy.
Appeal to authority (fallacy). OK
Let's entertain and more broadly consider your authoritative...
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The argument both you and Kennedy make can only go one place: to the red herring logical fallacy, meaning the argument you are both making is built on...
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You first explain how a fallacious argument supports the idea that it is not a human right....
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You are seriously referring to RFK in support for your argument? OK, let's do this. How can the answer be "flawless" when it is a fallacy—a...
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So, it is not insensitive, and it is sanctimonious to say otherwise. LOL ... I don't think you know what the word means. Being sensitive to the fact the...
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Identifying it as a Nazi salut is not the same thing as being obsessed. That's a fallacious statement, and shows a lack of sensitivity for what the salut...
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Even if he is trolling, it is a Nazi salut.
Despite the fact he sometimes appears to be socially awkward, it's a Nazi salut.
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“Ten hut.”
A soldier stands at the ready.
I’ve been defending the country.
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Wait, do you have a rifle?
“Yes, an M4A1.”
Can I borrow it and use it?
“No. I earned the right to have a...
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Who stated taxation and voting for liberals is required? lol and don't you have to believe in hell to go to hell?
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A paradox
“Here’s your fatigues, boots, pack and a helmet.”
Do I get a rifle, I think I need a rifle—an M4A1 maybe?
“Yes, you...
That’s my argument? Interesting. I thought I was arguing that a basic need is a basic right and all of you in the camp that there is a distinction are...
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Compulsory charity? That was a part of the plan? Rather, it was eliminating the blessing of agency, or the freedom to choose to be charitable and support...
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Imagine standing in front of Christ and explaining: ya, I was a free market loving American first and your disciple second. I could've gone along with...
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You have lost the argument, not with me, but with the tenants of your own faith and the words you used....
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