Originally posted by USUC
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1.) The biggest threat to the American way of life is internal and it is tribalism. I am not sure what we need to balance political partisanship but whatever it is we need more of it. When the American system was being put together many of the framers/philosophers at the time thought religious conviction was the counterweight for rabid individualism. At times I think political partisanship has replaced religion, but maybe it has replaced rabid individualism without the counterbalance of religion.
2.). Trump/Biden are a symptom of our deeper problems. At the moment Trump has exploited the shift of the Democrat party away from its long time base-working class interests. The Democrats will eventually regroup and time will tell if this shift away from Democrats is to Republicans or to Trump. I don't like Trump, and I also dislike populism because I fit it in well with elites on both sides thinking the masses really are asses, but our twice electing Trump while simultaneously showing outrage for what Biden just did is schizophrenic. Watching liberals praise and encourage or just justify Biden doing this indicates the ubiquitousness of our cultural rot. In the aftermath of a disappointing election liberal pundits want Biden to use his power for personal gain because in their opinion that is what the masses/asses deserve because "they" spent so much time telling us what a threat Donald Trump is and then "you" people still wanted him. Biden pardoning his messed up son, and protecting him from the rule of law for anything he did the past decade, appeals to liberals need for a strongman just as Trump appeals to his MAGA crowd.
The only people I think who will find this genuinely disheartening are the few who really were opposed to Trump because of how he delegitimizes our institutions. Truth be told I was never convinced many of those spouting that off about Trump were really concerned about the legitimacy of our institutions. But congrats to Joe Biden-he made sure he would compete with Trump until his last breath in power in that race to the bottom.
But I still got my children and my wife!