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Is there a policy on bringing your primary aged children to ym yw activities?

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  • Is there a policy on bringing your primary aged children to ym yw activities?

    Church no longer sponsees scouts do it with someone not affiliated with the church if you do it. If you have a calling in t(e youth and have primary aged children has there ever been a policy on bringing them to youth camps? Or weekly activities if you can’t find someone to care for them. By the time most are 9 or 10 can easily leave them alone without anyone to tend them.

    Nursery aged kids can be a distraction. Do they tell the spouses not in the ym yw program to tend them? Bringing a ten year old kid to amprojext could that cause problems? I wouldn’t of been caught dead at a youth activity at that age.

    Church callings do take people away from there families. Kids going to school leave there families. Unless you are a business owner of some businesses or work from home you leave your family every day. Soldier, some doctors, airline pilots, truck drivers, railroad crews leave there families for days at at time Orr more. Some of the aforementioned jobs your gone two or three days home two or three days.

    If you have callings in bishopric or Stake Presidency High Council some things you can’t take family too. Someone confessing there sins, deciding to restrict or withdraw membership family can’t be involved there. Bishops leave there family on a phone call for unexpected deaths, or people that need them right there.

    Shouldn’t call Bishop for minor playground accident, in middle of night because you don’t know who your ministering brother is when you need a blessing. There are things only he can do but quorum presidents can help other people.

    You shouldn’t use church service as an excuse to neglect your family. Or family as excuse not to perform church callings to your extent. Missionaries asking for help to go with them, taking youth to baptisms, going to every eq project in the books. Full time e church work can be a problem. For those in ym yw programs is there a policy on bringing children to the weekly activities or camps? Causes problems I think.