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BYU predication contest results: UCF

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  • BYU predication contest results: UCF

    Standings as of the UCF game: Blueintheface is now #1; at least a BYU fan is now #1.

      |               poster   rank    total   points   win     mov      df   bpred   opred |
      |        Blueintheface      1   285.25    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
      |                  bag      2   283.95    78.18    34   31.35   12.83      17      23 |
      |              Moliere      3   276.90    13.65     0    0.00   13.65      34      29 |
      |        Clark Addison      4   275.61    23.78     0    2.75   21.03      28      24 |
      |            old_gregg      5   265.05    68.66    34   26.40    8.26      13      24 |
      |        Green Monstah      6   262.85    74.21    34   17.60   22.60      17      31 |
      |             The_Tick      7   260.66    47.19    34    0.00   13.19      14      34 |
      |          imanihonjin      8   255.92    42.58    34    2.75    5.83      10      28 |
      |            creekster      9   254.22    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
      |            Omaha 680     10   251.28    37.90     0   15.40   22.50      31      30 |
      |          Medfordcoug     11   245.94     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |               Pelado     12   243.49    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
      |           Joe Public     13   243.47    24.40     0   15.40    9.00      20      19 |
      |          Flystripper     14   239.64    70.52    34   15.40   21.12      16      31 |
      |        originalsocal     15   239.11    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
      |    smokymountainrain     16   238.88    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      39      38 |
      |             Commando     17   236.67     5.37     0    0.00    5.37      28      17 |
      |            Donuthole     18   235.42    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      17      16 |
      |             Sullyute     19   228.55     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |         DrumNFeather     20   227.27    65.29    34    8.25   23.04      21      37 |
      |        Cougarmandias     21   219.89        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |               Topper     22   219.19    23.65     0    5.50   18.15      24      21 |
      |             BigPiney     23   214.19    15.44     0    8.25    7.19      20      18 |
      |         Lost Student     24   213.19     9.22     0    0.00    9.22      30      20 |
      |   HuskyFreeNorthwest     25   212.38     2.75     0    2.75    0.00      42      38 |
      |           Bo Diddley     26   212.32     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |               Sizzle     27   210.37     8.25     0    8.25    0.00       2       0 |
      |        Jeff Lebowski     28   205.91     5.83     0    0.00    5.83      38      28 |
      |           cougjunkie     29   204.73     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      45      10 |
      | New Mexican Disaster     30   204.62     8.25     0    8.25    0.00      14      12 |
      |          Parrot Head     31   203.78    13.19     0    0.00   13.19      27      21 |
      |             Copelius     32   203.16    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
      |               Surfah     33   200.97     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      38      20 |
      |                byu71     34   200.54    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
      |               SCcoug     35   194.35    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      28      21 |
      |              snowcat     36   188.08        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |                YOhio     37   184.75        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |            Uncle Ted     38   183.99     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |            SteelBlue     39   182.43        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              hostile     40   181.68    11.37     0    0.00   11.37      27      20 |
      |        Goatnapper'96     41   179.96    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      34      27 |
      |           The_Douger     42   179.83    38.54    34    0.00    4.54       9      31 |
      |               oxcoug     43   177.54        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |                  CJF     44   177.15    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
      |               wapiti     45   175.87     6.37     0    0.00    6.37      25      17 |
      |       PaloAltoCougar     46   174.66    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
      |         All-American     47   173.03     9.84     0    0.00    9.84      31      21 |
      |            MarkGrace     48   168.01        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |         San Juan Sun     49   167.50        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              Harriet     50   167.25        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |           Drunk Tank     51   154.06        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |           lambdacoug     52   147.82    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
      |            Hot Lunch     53   137.32    77.89    34   19.80   24.09      18      31 |
      |                Y84it     54   130.41    17.54     0    5.50   12.04      23      20 |
      |               Nakoma     55   130.34        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |            wuapinmon     56   130.03        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |             LiveCoug     57   126.58     6.43     0    0.00    6.43      24      17 |
      |           RC Vikings     58   122.79    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
      |             beefytee     59   121.80     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      41      17 |
      |      Dwight Schr-ute     60    97.40        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |                Jacob     61    87.40        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |             Crockett     62    82.09        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              UVACoug     63    75.38        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              falafel     64    71.90        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |               mpfunk     65    57.65        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |            Applejack     66    52.15        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              Armenag     67    44.87        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |               cowboy     68    44.79    44.79    34    0.00   10.79      13      35 |
      |            Bluediver     69    42.26    42.26    34    0.00    8.26      13      38 |
      |          TexTechCoug     70    39.83        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |                wally     71    38.10        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              Maximus     72    37.30        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |              venkman     73    34.00        .     .       .       .       .       . |
      |         Non Sequitur     74     0.00        .     .       .       .       .       . |

  • #2
    Standings sorted by UCF game result: bag wins

      |               poster   rank    total   points   win     mov      df   bpred   opred |
      |                  bag      2   283.95    78.18    34   31.35   12.83      17      23 |
      |            Hot Lunch     53   137.32    77.89    34   19.80   24.09      18      31 |
      |        Green Monstah      6   262.85    74.21    34   17.60   22.60      17      31 |
      |          Flystripper     14   239.64    70.52    34   15.40   21.12      16      31 |
      |            old_gregg      5   265.05    68.66    34   26.40    8.26      13      24 |
      |         DrumNFeather     20   227.27    65.29    34    8.25   23.04      21      37 |
      |        Blueintheface      1   285.25    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
      |           RC Vikings     58   122.79    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
      |             The_Tick      7   260.66    47.19    34    0.00   13.19      14      34 |
      |               cowboy     68    44.79    44.79    34    0.00   10.79      13      35 |
      |          imanihonjin      8   255.92    42.58    34    2.75    5.83      10      28 |
      |            Bluediver     69    42.26    42.26    34    0.00    8.26      13      38 |
      |           The_Douger     42   179.83    38.54    34    0.00    4.54       9      31 |
      |            Omaha 680     10   251.28    37.90     0   15.40   22.50      31      30 |
      |            creekster      9   254.22    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
      |           lambdacoug     52   147.82    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
      |           Joe Public     13   243.47    24.40     0   15.40    9.00      20      19 |
      |        Clark Addison      4   275.61    23.78     0    2.75   21.03      28      24 |
      |               Topper     22   219.19    23.65     0    5.50   18.15      24      21 |
      |               Pelado     12   243.49    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
      |                  CJF     44   177.15    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
      |                Y84it     54   130.41    17.54     0    5.50   12.04      23      20 |
      |    smokymountainrain     16   238.88    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      39      38 |
      |            Donuthole     18   235.42    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      17      16 |
      |             BigPiney     23   214.19    15.44     0    8.25    7.19      20      18 |
      |       PaloAltoCougar     46   174.66    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
      |        originalsocal     15   239.11    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
      |              Moliere      3   276.90    13.65     0    0.00   13.65      34      29 |
      |          Parrot Head     31   203.78    13.19     0    0.00   13.19      27      21 |
      |        Goatnapper'96     41   179.96    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      34      27 |
      |               SCcoug     35   194.35    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      28      21 |
      |              hostile     40   181.68    11.37     0    0.00   11.37      27      20 |
      |                byu71     34   200.54    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
      |             Copelius     32   203.16    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
      |         All-American     47   173.03     9.84     0    0.00    9.84      31      21 |
      |         Lost Student     24   213.19     9.22     0    0.00    9.22      30      20 |
      |            Uncle Ted     38   183.99     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |           Bo Diddley     26   212.32     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |             Sullyute     19   228.55     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      |          Medfordcoug     11   245.94     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
      | New Mexican Disaster     30   204.62     8.25     0    8.25    0.00      14      12 |
      |               Sizzle     27   210.37     8.25     0    8.25    0.00       2       0 |
      |             LiveCoug     57   126.58     6.43     0    0.00    6.43      24      17 |
      |               wapiti     45   175.87     6.37     0    0.00    6.37      25      17 |
      |        Jeff Lebowski     28   205.91     5.83     0    0.00    5.83      38      28 |
      |             Commando     17   236.67     5.37     0    0.00    5.37      28      17 |
      |   HuskyFreeNorthwest     25   212.38     2.75     0    2.75    0.00      42      38 |
      |               Surfah     33   200.97     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      38      20 |
      |           cougjunkie     29   204.73     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      45      10 |
      |             beefytee     59   121.80     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      41      17 |


    • #3
      Standings sorted by poster name:

        |               poster   rank    total   points   win     mov      df   bpred   opred |
        |         All-American     47   173.03     9.84     0    0.00    9.84      31      21 |
        |            Applejack     66    52.15        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |              Armenag     67    44.87        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |                  bag      2   283.95    78.18    34   31.35   12.83      17      23 |
        |             beefytee     59   121.80     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      41      17 |
        |             BigPiney     23   214.19    15.44     0    8.25    7.19      20      18 |
        |            Bluediver     69    42.26    42.26    34    0.00    8.26      13      38 |
        |        Blueintheface      1   285.25    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
        |           Bo Diddley     26   212.32     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
        |                byu71     34   200.54    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
        |                  CJF     44   177.15    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
        |        Clark Addison      4   275.61    23.78     0    2.75   21.03      28      24 |
        |             Commando     17   236.67     5.37     0    0.00    5.37      28      17 |
        |             Copelius     32   203.16    10.87     0    5.50    5.37      20      17 |
        |        Cougarmandias     21   219.89        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |           cougjunkie     29   204.73     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      45      10 |
        |               cowboy     68    44.79    44.79    34    0.00   10.79      13      35 |
        |            creekster      9   254.22    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
        |             Crockett     62    82.09        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |            Donuthole     18   235.42    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      17      16 |
        |         DrumNFeather     20   227.27    65.29    34    8.25   23.04      21      37 |
        |           Drunk Tank     51   154.06        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |      Dwight Schr-ute     60    97.40        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |              falafel     64    71.90        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |          Flystripper     14   239.64    70.52    34   15.40   21.12      16      31 |
        |        Goatnapper'96     41   179.96    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      34      27 |
        |        Green Monstah      6   262.85    74.21    34   17.60   22.60      17      31 |
        |              Harriet     50   167.25        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |              hostile     40   181.68    11.37     0    0.00   11.37      27      20 |
        |            Hot Lunch     53   137.32    77.89    34   19.80   24.09      18      31 |
        |   HuskyFreeNorthwest     25   212.38     2.75     0    2.75    0.00      42      38 |
        |          imanihonjin      8   255.92    42.58    34    2.75    5.83      10      28 |
        |                Jacob     61    87.40        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |        Jeff Lebowski     28   205.91     5.83     0    0.00    5.83      38      28 |
        |           Joe Public     13   243.47    24.40     0   15.40    9.00      20      19 |
        |           lambdacoug     52   147.82    26.77     0   15.40   11.37      21      20 |
        |             LiveCoug     57   126.58     6.43     0    0.00    6.43      24      17 |
        |         Lost Student     24   213.19     9.22     0    0.00    9.22      30      20 |
        |            MarkGrace     48   168.01        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |              Maximus     72    37.30        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |          Medfordcoug     11   245.94     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
        |              Moliere      3   276.90    13.65     0    0.00   13.65      34      29 |
        |               mpfunk     65    57.65        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |               Nakoma     55   130.34        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        | New Mexican Disaster     30   204.62     8.25     0    8.25    0.00      14      12 |
        |         Non Sequitur     74     0.00        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |            old_gregg      5   265.05    68.66    34   26.40    8.26      13      24 |
        |            Omaha 680     10   251.28    37.90     0   15.40   22.50      31      30 |
        |        originalsocal     15   239.11    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
        |               oxcoug     43   177.54        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |       PaloAltoCougar     46   174.66    14.88     0    2.75   12.13      24      20 |
        |          Parrot Head     31   203.78    13.19     0    0.00   13.19      27      21 |
        |               Pelado     12   243.49    23.06     0    2.75   20.31      27      23 |
        |           RC Vikings     58   122.79    62.39    34   17.60   10.79      13      27 |
        |         San Juan Sun     49   167.50        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |               SCcoug     35   194.35    12.56     0    0.00   12.56      28      21 |
        |               Sizzle     27   210.37     8.25     0    8.25    0.00       2       0 |
        |    smokymountainrain     16   238.88    16.99     0   15.40    1.59      39      38 |
        |              snowcat     36   188.08        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |            SteelBlue     39   182.43        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |             Sullyute     19   228.55     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
        |               Surfah     33   200.97     0.00     0    0.00    0.00      38      20 |
        |          TexTechCoug     70    39.83        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |           The_Douger     42   179.83    38.54    34    0.00    4.54       9      31 |
        |             The_Tick      7   260.66    47.19    34    0.00   13.19      14      34 |
        |               Topper     22   219.19    23.65     0    5.50   18.15      24      21 |
        |            Uncle Ted     38   183.99     8.58     0    2.75    5.83      21      17 |
        |              UVACoug     63    75.38        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |              venkman     73    34.00        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |                wally     71    38.10        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |               wapiti     45   175.87     6.37     0    0.00    6.37      25      17 |
        |            wuapinmon     56   130.03        .     .       .       .       .       . |
        |                Y84it     54   130.41    17.54     0    5.50   12.04      23      20 |
        |                YOhio     37   184.75        .     .       .       .       .       . |


      • #4
        Summary stats for the UCF predictions:

            variable |      mean       p50       p25       p75       min       max
               bpred |     23.30     21.00     17.00     28.00      2.00     45.00
               opred |     22.92     21.00     17.00     28.00      0.00     38.00
              winner |      0.26      0.00      0.00      1.00      0.00      1.00


        • #5
          I believe I'm in last place of those who have predicted every game. Is this correct Pelagius?


          • #6
            Originally posted by beefytee View Post
            I believe I'm in last place of those who have predicted every game. Is this correct Pelagius?
            Yeah, results for posters that have made a prediction for each game:

                                  rank  points  win    mov     df  cnt
            Blueintheface            1  285.25  170  53.90  61.35    6
            bag                      2  283.95  170  69.30  44.65    6
            Moliere                  3  276.90  136  80.30  60.60    6
            Clark Addison            4  275.61  136  67.65  71.96    6
            old_gregg                5  265.05  170  54.45  40.60    6
            Green Monstah            6  262.85  170  42.35  50.50    6
            The_Tick                 7  260.66  170  48.40  42.26    6
            imanihonjin              8  255.92  170  36.30  49.62    6
            creekster                9  254.22  136  73.15  45.07    6
            Omaha 680               10  251.28  136  63.25  52.03    6
            Medfordcoug             11  245.94  136  65.45  44.49    6
            Pelado                  12  243.49  136  50.60  56.89    6
            Joe Public              13  243.47  136  63.80  43.67    6
            Flystripper             14  239.64  170  35.20  34.44    6
            originalsocal           15  239.11  136  39.60  63.51    6
            smokymountainrain       16  238.88  136  62.70  40.18    6
            Commando                17  236.67  136  61.05  39.62    6
            Donuthole               18  235.42  136  62.70  36.72    6
            Sullyute                19  228.55  136  51.70  40.85    6
            DrumNFeather            20  227.27  136  52.25  39.02    6
            BigPiney                23  214.19  136  42.35  35.84    6
            Lost Student            24  213.19  136  26.40  50.79    6
            HuskyFreeNorthwest      25  212.38  136  32.45  43.93    6
            Bo Diddley              26  212.32  136  30.80  45.52    6
            Sizzle                  27  210.37  136  43.45  30.92    6
            Jeff Lebowski           28  205.91  136  35.20  34.71    6
            cougjunkie              29  204.73  136  23.10  45.63    6
            New Mexican Disaster    30  204.62  136  37.95  30.67    6
            Parrot Head             31  203.78  136  22.55  45.23    6
            Copelius                32  203.16  136  33.55  33.61    6
            Surfah                  33  200.97  136  36.85  28.12    6
            byu71                   34  200.54  136  28.05  36.49    6
            SCcoug                  35  194.35  136   8.25  50.10    6
            Uncle Ted               38  183.99  136  32.45  15.54    6
            hostile                 40  181.68  102  41.80  37.88    6
            Goatnapper'96           41  179.96  136   2.75  41.21    6
            The_Douger              42  179.83  136  29.70  14.13    6
            CJF                     44  177.15  136  11.00  30.15    6
            wapiti                  45  175.87  136  19.80  20.07    6
            PaloAltoCougar          46  174.66  136   5.50  33.16    6
            All-American            47  173.03  136   0.00  37.03    6
            Hot Lunch               53  137.32   68  19.80  49.52    6
            beefytee                59  121.80  102  19.80   0.00    6


            • #7
              Originally posted by pelagius View Post
              Yeah, results for posters that have made a prediction for each game:

                                    rank  points  win    mov     df  cnt
              Blueintheface            1  285.25  170  53.90  61.35    6
              bag                      2  283.95  170  69.30  44.65    6
              Moliere                  3  276.90  136  80.30  60.60    6
              Clark Addison            4  275.61  136  67.65  71.96    6
              old_gregg                5  265.05  170  54.45  40.60    6
              Green Monstah            6  262.85  170  42.35  50.50    6
              The_Tick                 7  260.66  170  48.40  42.26    6
              imanihonjin              8  255.92  170  36.30  49.62    6
              creekster                9  254.22  136  73.15  45.07    6
              Omaha 680               10  251.28  136  63.25  52.03    6
              Medfordcoug             11  245.94  136  65.45  44.49    6
              Pelado                  12  243.49  136  50.60  56.89    6
              Joe Public              13  243.47  136  63.80  43.67    6
              Flystripper             14  239.64  170  35.20  34.44    6
              originalsocal           15  239.11  136  39.60  63.51    6
              smokymountainrain       16  238.88  136  62.70  40.18    6
              Commando                17  236.67  136  61.05  39.62    6
              Donuthole               18  235.42  136  62.70  36.72    6
              Sullyute                19  228.55  136  51.70  40.85    6
              DrumNFeather            20  227.27  136  52.25  39.02    6
              BigPiney                23  214.19  136  42.35  35.84    6
              Lost Student            24  213.19  136  26.40  50.79    6
              HuskyFreeNorthwest      25  212.38  136  32.45  43.93    6
              Bo Diddley              26  212.32  136  30.80  45.52    6
              Sizzle                  27  210.37  136  43.45  30.92    6
              Jeff Lebowski           28  205.91  136  35.20  34.71    6
              cougjunkie              29  204.73  136  23.10  45.63    6
              New Mexican Disaster    30  204.62  136  37.95  30.67    6
              Parrot Head             31  203.78  136  22.55  45.23    6
              Copelius                32  203.16  136  33.55  33.61    6
              Surfah                  33  200.97  136  36.85  28.12    6
              byu71                   34  200.54  136  28.05  36.49    6
              SCcoug                  35  194.35  136   8.25  50.10    6
              Uncle Ted               38  183.99  136  32.45  15.54    6
              hostile                 40  181.68  102  41.80  37.88    6
              Goatnapper'96           41  179.96  136   2.75  41.21    6
              The_Douger              42  179.83  136  29.70  14.13    6
              CJF                     44  177.15  136  11.00  30.15    6
              wapiti                  45  175.87  136  19.80  20.07    6
              PaloAltoCougar          46  174.66  136   5.50  33.16    6
              All-American            47  173.03  136   0.00  37.03    6
              Hot Lunch               53  137.32   68  19.80  49.52    6
              beefytee                59  121.80  102  19.80   0.00    6


              • #8
                "Either evolution or intelligent design can account for the athlete, but neither can account for the sports fan." - Robert Brault

                "Once I seen the trades go down and the other guys signed elsewhere," he said, "I knew it was my time now." - Derrick Favors

